Cassie's Musings — Profile

Name:  Cassie
Location:  Newport News, VA
Birthday:  8 April, 1982
Bio:  Everyone has times when they sit and think about things. Nothing unusual, just thoughts that meander through their heads at odd times. I like to write these things down (or type them out) and I call them "Musings." I know a BLOG is supposed to be a type of internet diary, but my will be unique in the fact that I put up my thoughts in no particular order. They may be old or fairly recent. If I can find the date that I wrote them, it will be by coincidence only. These thoughts are mine and mine alone. I hope they don't offend anyone, but if they do, I apologize now.
Blog Created:  Thursday, 20 January 2005
Last Updated:  Thursday, 20 January 2005 - 2:07 PM EST
Blog Entries:  1

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